Using DB25 Connection - Advice Requested

Any thoughts on, or experience using, DB25 (amp end) to RCA (preamp) connection? Is it comparable to regular interconnects (RCA both ends)? Is there sound degradation? Improvement?

Availability/selection of DB25/RCA interconnects is pretty sparse. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good manufacturer?



After evaluating several alternatives I've selected Supra AV6 DB25 (see
Sounds not worser than QED Qnect One.

Cobalt Cable will have them on sale tomorrow, 30% off for one day only on all cables. Thats about $30.00 off on the one they make plus free shipping. You will be hard pressed to beat that deal.

Call Integra Research In New Jersey. Tell them you have an Integra RDC-7 , and you need a replacement. They will send you one for around 25.00. The DB25 sounds great on my machine, but Ive never done a direct comparison to a straight 6 channel input so I cant comment on whether its better, worse or the same.