Using Airport Express/AirTunes.

I'm interested in trying the Airport Express AirTunes with iMac/iTunes and DAC. What is the best connection/cable (mini-jack to RCA or optical and made by who)? Also, I assume the AE has a D/A. Can it be bypassed or will it convert/compress my Apple Lossless music files?

I need a solution to use iMac/iTunes w/ Reimyo DAP-777 w/o having to spend $1K's more on overpriced USB or FireWire converters, or use a lot of additional devices, cables, and wires. I used a iTransport before. Now trying a Squeezebox Touch but it's having constant "Re-buffering" issues w/ both wireless and ethernet. Need a solution to use iMac/iTunes. What about using an iPad? Is there a way to use that as a streaming device?

Showing 1 response by rhyno

wow, i was just thinking of building a digital music server using AE but the thought of dropouts and such has scared me off (anyways, i do have SB3 so may as well try it first).

seems best solution is to keep things hardwired, no?