Using 2 different brands of interconnects?

Is there any problem with this if the cables are in the same ballpark in quality (or price)? Do cables have such different sound signatures that things get muddied or cancelled out?

Forgive my ignorance. This is my first venture into the topic. I'm talking about under $100 gear for a meter length..

Showing 2 responses by russ69

"...I'm trying to minimize having to fiddle around by getting it right in the first place..."

The secret is to know what your system needs and buying the right cable to make your system sound the way you want it. Experience with a lot of cables helps but you can also get a consensus from the web or call the manufacturer for recommendations. 
Example: If your system is too bright, you probably don't want to add a silver, or other bright sounding cable. 
"...Surely a $60 cable is better than a two dollar one..."

Better in what way? Sound? Maybe, maybe not.