Used tube preamp $2-3K

Scouting for an above mentioned preamp driving both 2a3 monos, UL/triode monos  and push pull monos. Plus two FW F3, F5 amps. DAC source 75%, CD 25%. Currently using an older Audio Mirror which may be a bottle neck. Current speakers are Coherent GR12 Sigs, Klipsch LS and Jubilee. Remote is a near must, dynamic with speed and detail and transparency. I find a nice CJ 17ls, a Coincident and even a much less expensive Schiit Freya+. The CJ seems highly touted and I like the relay based volume control vs the standard Alps wiper normally found. All insight appreciated, Thanks.


I agree with soix. CJs have a lush sound.Linear Tube Audio would be closer to what you're looking for. Yes,I've owned both:-)

I’ve certainly given thought on Audio Research but I get lost with their many

models. And the need to have tube replacement done at the factory seems extreme. Assuming this applies to preamps as it does their power amps.

Don Sachs pieces seem to have a good following, reputation also.