Used phono preamp options - feedback requested

Greetings, all.

Here's my rig:

Thorens TD124 Mk 1 w/Mk II upgrades
Lyra Delos or Paradox Pulse D103R
Handmade Walnut Arm on unipivot bearing
Paradox Pulse Phono 70 preamp (MM/MC)

I'm in the market to find a phono stage up to about $2K to compare and contrast with the Paradox Pulse.

Open to suggestions however, considering these specific phono stages (all used):

Clearaudio Balance Plus
Sutherland 20/20
EAR Phonobox
Sonic Frontiers Phase 1 SE
Musical Fidelity MX-VYNL
Musical Fidelity NuVista
and possibly a Herron VTPH-1 (I can't get the guy to contact me back).

Decware ZP3 and ZMC SUT

I'm interested in tubes primarily, but can be swayed to try another solid state stage w/good (and easy) loading capabilities.  

Please don't bash - I'm looking for real experience with any/all of these, or something in the vein.  I have my priorities in the list, but am truly looking for quality input from the group.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

I been frothing for a Decware ZP3, but with the tape tap option. If you’ve ever heard it, it’s pretty amazing.. One of the best playbacks I ever heard jacked directly into the tape recording and playback. You can do anything with that type of medium. It’s been a while but it is a nice ADDED option, some like Reel to Reel.. The vinyl side of decware is a good value for sure.. 60 watts, powerful..lot of options and kinda ZEN, ay :-)

Herron VTPH2, is a tinkers dream.. Talk about tube roll extravaganza.
I really like the Herron better if it just had a tape tap for playback.. I suppose, you could add it. I know there is a lot of neat things going on there, too. Man oh man, either or...
