Used Oracle - Help setting up

I just picked up a used Oracle turntable - I'm looking for recommendations for arm and cartridge.

Also, I don't have any idea whether the Oracle is a Mark I, II, III etc. - how can I figure this out?

Thanks for the assistance.

Showing 2 responses by genesis168

If the suspension pillars look like the MK5 then it is either a MK3 or MK4. If pillars have a post sticking out in the center, it is either a MK1 or MK2.

MK2 oracle Delphi have a brighter polish on the steel. MK1 has a very mat finish on the steel parts.

Hope it helps. If still unsure, please describe the look of the table and I will try help you out on this one.

Oracle Delphi's are best used with SME, Graham, and Dynavector tonearms.