Used Ayre amp market pricing

I find the Ayre nomenclature confusing in that there are models with the same letters and number but their order seems significant.  I'm looking for a VX-5, not VX-5 Twenty, and wonder what the used market price is likely to be.  A 5-VX is too tall to fit in the space I have with 3" clearance.  Any advice will be appreciated.

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Showing 1 response by hgeifman

Finding an audio component to fix into a specific space with height limits is not easy.   And, yes,the cost for the VX-5 will be lower than the price for the VX-5 Twenty unit.   The difference is usually the retail price difference between the two units 

The dimensions for the Ayre AX-5 Twenty power amplifier is 17.25" W x 18.75" D x 4.875" H.

Are you saying that its 4.875 height is too tall for your space?   If yes, what is the maximum height you need?

The sound quality for Ayre Acoustics equipment is excellent.  We need to find a model that fits your space (if possible).