Used amps, how to tell if,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'm interested in buying a used amp and I an only afford  $2,000.00

I'm looking for an amp with at least 100 watts and decent or good or high current. Magnapans 7.1

I've seen some interesting amps circa 1980's 1990's but,

I was wondering how to tell if it's not sounding "right" to me  due to old caps.

1) what would be my recourse?

2) How would or could I tell?

ie if the caps are old how would it affect the sound?



Showing 1 response by carlsbad

I'm getting ready to list a Parasound A21+ that is 6 months old with less than 100 hours of listening time.  that's one way to find an amp you know is good. 

Much harder for a non-expert to buy and old amp and refurbish it.  Of course you have to pay a lot less if you're going to refurbish.
