USB yet again

For a few years I have had an Intona Isolator with Oyaide Continental 5S upstream and Intona Reference downstream connecting Streamer and DAC. Given the Strong benefit of filters on the upstream Ethernet connection I added a LHY Audio USB 3.0 purifier with a Grey Knights power cable. The tightening of the transfer and resultant SQ was remarkable despite having used superior cables before.

While USB remains a compromised transfer format, asynchronous USB is the only protocol synchronising the server’s and dac’s clocks unless both have master clock connections. AES/EBU may have better noise rejection but has imbedded clock signal,SPDif is outdated as well as speed constrained and I2S not standardised. Hopefully the industry comes up with a better solution. It is interesting that there seems to emerge a trend to combine server and dac: one wonders why?


Showing 3 responses by sns

Optimal usb implementation requires quality rendering at both streamer and dac. This means usb boards with nice power supplies powered via dedicated power supply and top flight clocks on these boards. Far too many streamers are let down by less than optimal usb implementation, reason why so many find various usb filters and/or separate/dedicated streamers with top flight usb rendering to be of benefit.

I continue to rail against so many off the shelf streamers implementing less than optimal usb rendering, really not that difficult or expensive to do. They could add this as standard or upgrade option for aprox. $1-1.5k. I don't know, perhaps they don't have the capability to do this, The only streamers I'm aware of that offer quality usb rendering are Wadax, Taiko and Aurrender, and Innuos as separate box. Ridiculous IMO, leaving so much potential on the table!

One can perceive the complexities of streaming as a burden or a delight. I've found it to be much more delightful than burden, especially as the vast majority of my efforts have gone in direction of better SQ. Devoid these complexities I'd be pretty much in static position in regards my system.


Much of what makes pursuing audiophile hobby worthwhile for me is experimentation, streaming certainly provides that!. I'm getting to point where my audiophile bucket list is rapidly emptying, question is can SQ alone provide for all my audiophile needs? Over nearly thirty years, the process of building and optimizing audio systems has been pretty much as fulfilling as the enjoyment I get from countless listening sessions.

@j_andrews Look for Amanero or XMOS usb board in dac, not aware of any other top flight usb implementation on dacs.


I had Singxer SU6 at one point, never even bothered listening to it as research and logic made it moot point to even bother. Added complexity, DDC do have issues, even the SU6 benefited from modifications and even more complexity. The other thing remaining in favor of using usb vs I2S was optimal usb implementation in both streamer and dac, point is stick with best ports on streamer and dac. Agree with Latik, the best streamers negate the need for add ons like DDC, they provide top flight rendering, DDC superfluous. In can see how DDC could better streamer with less than optimal rendering or streamer/dac mismatch with optimal ports. AES/EBU should also be considered a contender, although not much talked about, Antipodes claims this best output in K series streamers, came very close to purchasing. At some point I may get around to trying various JCAT and Pink Faun PCIe cards in my streamer, I2S and AES/EBU both available, along with the more usual usb and network cards.