USB DACs that outperforms OPPO 105D's internal DAC?

I have some music on an external USB drive.

I connect it to a USB input on OPPO, and it sounds good.

OPPO is connected to a TV and I select songs using OPPO's remote control.

The problem is, there are hundreds of albums and thousands of songs in the USB drive, and it takes time to scroll to the albums or songs I want to play.

I am thinking of two ways to solve the problem: Purchase a wifi USB dongle that will connect the USB drive to an iPad, and browse music using iPad. Another option is to connect the USB drive to a laptop and purchase an external DAC to sit between the laptop and a preamp. The laptop's video output will be connected to a TV and I can use a wireless mouse or keyboard to browse the music.

The second approach will be more expensive because I need to purchase a new DAC. Which DAC would you recommend that outperforms the OPPO's internal DAC at under $1000 used or new?

Would there be another option to play the music in the external USB drive?


Showing 1 response by james633

Just get a streamer. Life will be better. You can use tidal connect (and others) and be done with it. Tidal connect will let you use your phone, tablet or computer to pick songs. When you click on them the streamer is actually pulling and playing the data.


I have never heard the blue sound node but the ifi stream is $400 and sound better according to these guys (link below). I am using one and it was easy to setup and has had no trouble. The only add thing is sometimes after I connect I have to skip a track before it plays when booted up. Amazon sells them, if you don’t like it send it back.