USB Cable Ridge Street Audio/Synergistic Research

Has anybody done a A/B Of these two USB cables, Ridge Street Audio/Synergistic Research?

Showing 1 response by ejlif

Someone here on Audiogon mentioned that he had both. I asked him for his opinion and he said if he had to pick one it would be the Ridge Street cable. I ordered one of the Ridge Street cables when I saw the 40% off deal. It has a 45 day money back guarantee if not impressed.

I compared one of the cheapie free USB cords that you get with a hard drive when you buy it to the USB cord that came with my Wavelength Cosecant. It doesn't have a name brand on it, it just says hi speed USB on the side. It does look a lot more substantial than the Lacie cord. I was floored by how much better the Cosecant cord was. It was really shocking, like probably the biggest change I've heard with any cable swap ever and I've done a lot. So if anyone says USB cords don't matter I know they're wrong.