USB Cable

I'm considering upgrading a generic 5 meter USB from pc to DAC.   Opinions please on DH Labs Mirage vs Transparent Audio.  Has anyone had an opportunity to compare  in a quality system?


Showing 3 responses by cleeds


Have a drink, mate and pls try to relax.

The guy has problems, for sure. He sees fairies and magic dust everywhere. Most odd.


I suggest some believers in magic here do a little reading on human objectivity ...

Perhaps you should take your own advice, because you seem to be one of the greatest believers in magic on all of A’gon. You find it here and there and yonder, fortified with pixie dust and measurementalism and seasoned with snake oil. It has the ability to remap your brain, the way you tell it.

Our brain lies. Always.

I try to present facts so people can make up their own mind. If you have any actual evidence other than "You believe", please present it.

You consistently reject all evidence that does not suit your measurementalist’s notion of how things should work. Pretending that you sincerely seek evidence is not likely to fool many here.

@tvrgeek, you revealed quite a bit about yourself with this proclamation of yours:

Your BRAIN has re-mapped to convince you it is better. Our brain lies. Always. Humans are never objective.

As you acknowledge, it appears that your brain lies and that, indeed, it may have become "remapped." Fortunately, most of the rest of us can still think for ourselves.