USB C power cables

I’m looking to get a USB C to USB C cable to power a Rasberry Pi. The reviews I read on USB cables are all where the USB cables are used as digital ICs, none tested how well it powers a device.

Has anybody looked into which USB cables work well to power components? 

I spoke to a guy at Audioquest and he said any cable would do, which I found strange since Audioquest do sell AC cables and would be aware that RFI & EMI cause issues. The Pi 4 also requires a current of 3A, which ( I believe ) is higher than what is required for USB 2 standards.


Showing 2 responses by mastering92

USB C has much lower EMI than other cables. It would be ideal for powering up a device so long as it is supported.
The USB C standard in general. From fast charging to greater theoretical data limits, it is superior.

I read about this in a whitepaper once. This was when my team was migrating all departments/faculty over to new computers.