USB and Coaxial at the same time?

Is there any issue with having a coaxial digital  cable and a USB cable connected to my streamer at the same time? I like to compare the two by switching the input to my DDC unit. Some recordings may sound better on one rather than the other? mI read somewhere this can be a problem but if so I don't know why? Thanks.


Showing 4 responses by fthompson251

Well to be clear, I highly prefer USB. But I was wondering if on some of the older Rock recordings if switching to coaxial may smooth it out a bit. I just wanted to try it and see what happens.

@glenmschneider I really am not looking to find which is better per say. But I remember a while ago I compared and the coaxial was less detailed and transparent. Which for rock music recorded in the 70’s that may be fine in some all I wanted to know if it’s ok to have both connections at once. Both interconnects will be sending signal from the streamer to the Hermes, didn’t know if that was a problem or not. I read somewhere that I shouldn’t have both connected so I removed the coaxial.

@hickamore The current set up has the Hermes DDC connected via I2s. I have clock sync cable connected between the DDC and DAC and yes the USB will then take advantage of the dual OCXO clocks on the Terminator 15th. (Which are in sync with the Hermes)

It seems as though there isn’t a problem having both cables connected at once so I will do that again.


Thanks all.

@audphile1   Yes it has NOS-OS soft and sharp filers. I like OS/Soft. I think the problem with some older 70's rock is it was engineered to play on boom boxes. Maybe that is a fallacy, I don't know.  NOS seems to shrink soundstage to me. Maybe the magic could be NOS+Coaxial. I will give it a try when I return home from our FL winter this spring.

So I reached out to Aurender Support, this is what they had to say:

Thank you for reaching out with your question about your Aurender N200.
Yes, you can indeed have both the USB and Coaxial SPDIF outputs connected at the same time. This setup allows you to easily switch between outputs depending on your listening preferences or system setup.
If you have any further questions or need assistance with configuring your Aurender N200, please feel free to contact us.
Enjoy your listening experience!