Usability of Oppo BDP-93 without a monitor?

Hi, Folks,
I have the opportunity to pick up a used Oppo BDP-93 for use as a universal disc player. I currently have an older Music Hall redbook CD player attached to a Musical Fidelity DAC. I would like to have the capability to play other kinds of high-resolution audio discs, which I can't currently do. What I'm wondering is whether a piece of gear like this which seems to be primarily oriented toward playing DVDs (and thus assumes the presence of a TV or monitor) is usable for spinning audio discs without such a monitor?
Thank you so much!

Showing 2 responses by chayro

I've owned other Oppos, and there are so many potential settings, you will at least need a monitor to set it up.  After that, I see know reason you can't unplug the monitor and use it for audio.  
I never had the 93, but I had one of the older, cheaper models, and it was quite respectable on SACD and HDCD, as well as audio DAD, which is one of my favorite formats.  I just used it as a DVD player, but connected it to my audio system just to play SACDs.  Never used it with a DAC, but I've always owned good CD players for serious listening.  But I think you'll be surprised at how good the Oppos are, especially if you aren't listening side-by-side with something better.  As a matter of fact, my DVD player just broke and I was thinking of buying the new Oppo 205.