Upscale Audio and Primaluna

spoke to aggresive salesperson who pushed prima luna integrated amps and other primaluna gear.

this was after i called to buy another component.  Anyone know about primaluna stuff.

all this guy did was tear into my system saying how deficient it is and that i should buy primaluna.


Showing 3 responses by tablejockey

Upscale sells great procts, albeit at full price.

however, all brands are at the mercy of their unrelenting push from Prima luna gear.  Heavily biased."

Why wouldn't they push PL? He is the distributor of PL USA.

"Its ugly and not high end quality.  Good value but not as good as high end stuff."

PL wouldn't have 18 years of positive writeups if all reviwers/end users  felt the same way. You had a bad experience with whomever at Upscale, just move on. There isn't one establishment that fits all customers.

10+ year customer/PL user.

I'm really unhappy with the speakers I have hooked up to them right now (Tekton Double Impact) but when I bought my Klipsch"

Interesting, a  TektonDouble Impact user NOT satisfied?

 PL/Upscale=some "get it" some don't. The "don'ts" just need to keep shopping.

"Who puts 4500 hours on output tubes? That can’t be right......"

You’re right ozzy62!
Who does that?

I probably have 6K hours on some vintage 6l6G RCA’s. PL is driving tubes on the low end of the spectrum. I’ve noticed they're finally starting to sound weird.