Upscale Audio and Primaluna

spoke to aggresive salesperson who pushed prima luna integrated amps and other primaluna gear.

this was after i called to buy another component.  Anyone know about primaluna stuff.

all this guy did was tear into my system saying how deficient it is and that i should buy primaluna.


Showing 2 responses by andysf

A couple of people have pointed out that the Prima Luna amps are made by Cayin/Spark but did not mention that Cayin/Spark is owned by the Chinese government as part of the large CATIC group. Quite simply, every dollar of profit from your purchase  of a Cayin amp goes directly to a government that runs vast re-education camps, oppresses dissent in Tibet and Hong Kong and promotes the use of slave and forced labor in the country's workforce.  Personally, this is more off putting than Mr. Deal's communication skills.
What I wrote (in full) was:"A couple of people have pointed out that the Prima Luna amps are made by Cayin/Spark but did not mention that Cayin/Spark is owned by the Chinese government as part of the large CATIC group. Quite simply, every dollar of profit from your purchase of a Cayin amp goes directly to a government that runs vast re-education camps, oppresses dissent in Xianjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong and promotes the use of slave and forced labor in the country’s workforce."
My point was that Cayin equipment is made by the Chinese GOVERNMENT (not private individuals), which uses the money for repression both at home and abroad and also, unquestionably uses forced or slave labor. It is a bit of a myth that everything is made in China these days-plenty of cell phones like Samsung are made entirely in Korea for instance. In any case, all things being equal, I think most of us here would rather not give our money to the Chinese government when there are plenty of good alternatives,both within and outside of the PRC.
In this regard, it should be mentioned that Prima Luna products are also manufactured in Chinese government factories but is itself a western owned private concern. Prima Luna, to its credit, has been completely transparent about this, unlike some "European" companies that largely manufacture in China but obscure the fact. These are things are generally not discussed in publications like Stereophile or Absolute Sound, making audio focused websites like this often the only source of information.