Upping my digital game

Let's say I wanted to significantly up my digital front end. See my system profile- note the Sim 260D (pre-neo) of which I have no complaints sonically.

Here's the features I want-

1- play digital discs
2- play hi-Rez digital sources
3- future digital flexibility

I like the big boned Sim sound, feeling it mates well with my analog front end.

Thoughts- Sim Neo 260D
Naim dac
Benchmark DAC 2

I've heard the Sim 650d which funds permitting would easily be a prime choice. But at what $9,000 MSRP, not happening. Budget is $2,000 - $3,000 including any necessary cabling.

Suggestions? Not adverse to used or as some would say, Pre-owned.


Thanks for the kind words. I especially value them coming from you, as I find your posts particularly insightful and even-keeled.

I agree with Lew, and Charles assessment of his post. I play disks and Aiff files from my MAC Mini using Pure Music via the Audiophilleo to a Bryston DAC. The Bryston has many inputs and allows me to also use a Arcam DV137 as transport for Disk playback. I do not purchase Hi-rez files or Blue ray disks.
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