Thanks for the help. It was as some of you thought, the ad blocking feature or Norton.
Uploading photos
I was hoping one of the more experienced denizens of Audiogon might be able to assist me. I am having problems uploading pictures for placing a sale add. The pictures are PC size, so should not be too large. It has been a while since I have sold anything, but I am doing what I can recall always doing in the past. Anyways, I get a screen that says the files are uploading, but the photos never show for captioning, even an hour later. I am using a HS hookup, so it should not take long. Puzzled. It is so frustrating, that I placed my last add on E-Bay after two days of farting around attempting to place an Audiogon advertisement. I'm sure it's me, but I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
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