Upgrading preamp. Best for under $1K

I am planning on upgrading my preamp and was wondering what would be the best preamp for under $1K. Currently have the Rotel RC-995 with a B&K ST2140 amp and Vandersteen 2ci speakers. I like to stay with SS unless their is tube pre in that price range.

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Showing 2 responses by soix

This will be a big upgrade. It has tubes but in this unit they last a looooong time and are inexpensive to replace, and this one comes with the upgraded linear power supply, which is key. Read the reviews.


Best of luck.

Thanks for the responses! It seems tubes is the way to go for preamp but will it match well with the B&K amp?

It depends completely on what improvements and sound characteristics you’re looking for.  If you share that info you’ll get much more targeted recommendations here.  The other thing to consider is you want the input impedance of the amp to be  at least 10 times (and preferably much higher) the output impedance of the preamp.  This tends to be more a potential issue with tube preamps than solid state BTW.