Upgrading power system

Since I already have components and speakers that I love, I try to make an improvement every year with something or another. Last year I bought Magnarisers for My Maggie 3.7's.  Nice improvement. Immediate difference.  The year before was power cables and conditioner, all Shunyata.  And I always wondered why there was little if any improvement.  A couple audiophiles said to replace the wall outlet. So I thought about it for years before buying a JPS labs audiophile hospital grade outlet.  After removing the original outlet, I compared them. No comparison at all, the JPS weighed almost twice as much and the metal was better quality as well. The JPS was 2o amps and the original  was 15. Would I hear the difference?  It took all of one minute.  Best $150 I ever spent.  I was skeptical until I heard the difference, mostly clearer and more pronounced highs and well defined low end.  Anybody else have this experience?


Showing 3 responses by lowrider57


Once you have noise in your power, the best thing you can do is rectify it and invert it with a super high quality inverter.

What about balanced power conditioning? The hot and neutral are inverted 180° from each other and the ground is separately filtered.


Thanks for the kind words, Mike. I get it now, it's all Richard Gray's fault. I was going to suggest that if the AC line from your audio to the service panel is 12/2 Romex, you could install a 20A breaker. But in light of the condition of your breakers you could use a new panel. At the very least, have a licensed electrician inspect your mains and replace the breakers if the panel is up to code. 


I had all new electrical installed two years ago due to corrosion on the meter and outside line.