OP - I have used an S-Booster on a Lumin D2 and a U2 Mini. I did the install on the D2 and on the U2 Mini, the dealer I bought it from did the install. It’s really easy if you follow the instructions and cut the wires they direct you to. As mentioned by another member of you want to avoid cutting any wires you can accomplish it easily if you have a soldering gun. I also installed an upgraded power supplier in a Aurilac G2 streamer which was more of an undertaking.
In my experience was worth it, noticeable improvement. If you search on this forum, go to Upscale or other dealer sights with reviews, the vast majority of reviews are very positive. From a simplistic standpoint, non technical, the neither you go up the line on Streamers the better the power supplies are., most high end pieces have external power supplies. In some cases the upgraded power supplies can be one of the main differences between lower models and models that are higher up in the line. Many also references power supplies being key in the streaming chain.
I wouldn’t let the install scare you away from making the upgrade. I have sold the D2 and the G2 without any issues, was able to sell them for more $$ because of the upgraded power supplies.
Good Luck!