Upgrading my blusound streamer

Need some advice from the experts. First, my system consist of:
2 McIntosh 601 monoblocks
2 Martin Logan Renaissance 15a speakers
1 McIntosh C47 Pre Amplifier
Some relatively expensive cables everywhere
1 blusound node 2 streamer
Tidal music source

My system approaches retail close to $50K

My system sounds very good and powerful. But, I’m always looking for ways to make it sound better

My streamer is only about $500, which is cheap compared to my system and I consider it the weak link. Are there other  streamers you can recommend that would be better suited with my system, cost wise, and would ultimately make it sound even better



Showing 1 response by three_easy_payments

Judging by the equip listing above Pres is using the Node2 as streamer and DAC.  Assuming this to be the case then the DAC is clearly the weak link more so than the streamer.  Lots of good DAC options out there from $1.5K - $6K.