Upgrading from Primaluna

Recently went down the front end upgrade path and am running a nice table and phono now. I'm curious as to what the weaker link in my system is between my Primaluna Dialogue Premium Preamp and my Dialogue Premium Hp Power Amp. I'm considering swapping out the amp to a Ps Audio BHK250 for the summer to avoid heat, but am curious if I would be better off dealing with the heat and moving up to say an Allnic L-7000/Arc Ref 3 for the Pre. I'm happy with tubes on the front end, but curious if I'm running out of gas with 88DB efficient speakers and a single chassis tube amp. Which amp would you upgrade first and what benefits would you expect?


Showing 4 responses by ghdprentice


While I am a Audio Research fan, if I were you I would definitely go for the Allnic L7000. Looks like a great preamp. I read a couple reviews (I’m good at reading reviews and getting out what was intended). I would be shocked if the preamp didn’t completely upgrade your system a couple levels.

@larry5729. Sound quality… the way music comes through… more technically midrange bloom as well as rhythm and pace.



Thanks for the additional info. Photos would help also. From what you say of your room… even more the reason to work on room treatments, definitely. You want dampening behind you speakers… dampening along the side wall at reflection points, tube traps in the corner. You have tremendous opportunity to improve what you have.


If you post some more photos, we can perhaps be more helpful. Corner diffusers are really cheap… could also help.

I have to agree with @russ69. I would work with what you have until it is optimized. Judging by only one photo. The speakers look too close together, the system should be moved from between the speakers. The front wall needs dampening. You might have a look at my main system to get a feel for a set up. But I bet you can very significantly improve your system by setting it up. 

I would also try out any ss amp you may be thinking about… it can be a problematic trade off.. My history has been to move towards tubes not away. I highly recommend Audio Research as upgrades… Preamp, Phonostage, amp, or DAC.