Upgrading from Primaluna

Recently went down the front end upgrade path and am running a nice table and phono now. I'm curious as to what the weaker link in my system is between my Primaluna Dialogue Premium Preamp and my Dialogue Premium Hp Power Amp. I'm considering swapping out the amp to a Ps Audio BHK250 for the summer to avoid heat, but am curious if I would be better off dealing with the heat and moving up to say an Allnic L-7000/Arc Ref 3 for the Pre. I'm happy with tubes on the front end, but curious if I'm running out of gas with 88DB efficient speakers and a single chassis tube amp. Which amp would you upgrade first and what benefits would you expect?


Showing 4 responses by audphile1

Ok…exactly what I thought it would look like. 
my recommendation was to pull the panels more into the room leaning them again the wall. Position them so the one on the left is leaning on the wall and the one on the right is standing on the storage box. Midpoint between where you sit and the speakers. 
Then move the speakers further apart to about 1-1.5ft from side walls. Now you’re treating your first reflection point. The way you have the panels now they don’t do much. 

@j-wall Very nice system!

Changing the amps will change the sound, you can definitely try that! Audio Research Ref line is top notch stuff and the odds are there will be a good improvement sonically by switching to ARC Ref series components.

But…the room acoustics and speaker placement is something you will run into no matter what preamp or amp you are using.
I don’t know what what you mean by acoustic panels next to the speakers. What I would recommend is trying the following:

1. Spread the speakers further apart to about 1.5ft or even 1ft from side wall

2. Move the acoustics panels to treat the first reflection points (have panels on the side walls approximately midpoint between you and speakers)

3. Adjust the toe in to get the imaging to your liking. Adjust distance between listening chair to speakers.

4. I would also add bass traps behind the speakers

Suggestions above to move the rack are valid but I would focus on acoustic treatments before making any other changes.


To add…don’t worry too much about the storage box as I don’t think it will interfere or impact the presentation a lot (woofers aren’t as directional as mid or tweeter drivers). The speaker toe in will be important to achieve the best imaging.

All this takes minutes to do but should make the sound more coherent.

Not trying to derail your original ask about the equipment change…just thinking this will help lay the foundation. 

@j-wall Awesome!!! Glad to hear it helped. Thanks for circling back to us to let us know!

Now you can better assess the needs in your amp chain.