Upgrading from andras

The egglestonworks Andra 1 are brilliant speakers.... what have owners upgraded to? Care to share experiences... thks

Showing 1 response by soix

Agree.  Great speakers.  I had the Fontaine Signatures on extended audition a while back -- basically the upper portion of the Andras -- and they were fantastic.  Assuming they have similar sonic signatures with the Andras obviously having much greater bass capabilities, a speaker you should absolutely audition is the Joseph Audio Pearl.  To my ears the JAs match the Eggleston's strengths but provide more air and space definition up top without sacrificing refinement, and their 3D imaging is superior to what I heard from the Egglestons. 

Others I've heard that would give the Andras a good run for the money are Vandersteen 5, Rockport Avior, and Nola Baby Grand.  But at this level personal preference is probably the biggest variable since all these speakers are very accomplished and lack any serious flaws.  That said, since you clearly like the Eggleston sound, there's a nice pair of Savoy Signatures available here now.  That would obviously be a no-brainer upgrade as you'll be moving both up the chain and gaining Signature upgrades in the process.  

Anyway, just some thoughts.  Hope this helps and best of luck.