
My cables are a little on the ancient side ! I’m using Virtual Dynamics . Power one David series power cords , Testament series inter connects and signature series bi wired speaker cables . In which order should I start to replace my cables ? Budget is an issue! Chers 


Showing 6 responses by theaudioamp

Unless cable vendors are intentionally screwing with frequency response requiring another of their cables to fix the other ones, then a full loom is not supportable by any logic.

If you think cables are the limiting factor in your system you are always wrong. Maybe if you are using Dollar store wire or a really badly designed wire but every other time no. No need to see system photos to know that.

The system photos may help for upgrade suggestions. Most onus have things we can upgrade.

Some people are more susceptible to suggestion. They make good cable customers. Is a new cable going to change your frequency response? No, not unless designed wrong. Will it change the distortion? No, never. Cables are linear devices. They don't affect distortion at least for analog. If you have a digital problem get a new DAC. Can they reduce noise? Yes if the ones you have are poor. Are they poor? Do you hear electrical noise? No, then cable will not matter.

What possible synergy can there be for two cables fulfilling completely different functions. If you cant explain that then you can't justify a full loom. It is just marketing. Cables would be multiplicative. If they have a signature sounds, that would keep multiplying to something bad. Try again.

Ever notice how the cable deniers almost never have their systems listed?

Ever wonder why that is?


No I did not notice, because I go on the intelligence of their words. However, now that you mention it, have you ever noticed that cable pushers always have a ton of expensive equipment in a nasty (by acoustical standards) room. I guess they have no money left to spend on what is important?


I also did notice that you did not provide any reasoning why a particular vendors cables would work better with other cables from the same vendor. Your answer was non answer. Please explain in detail, using a written example if possible.

Do yourself a favor and get rid of those worthless HFTs. I mean that seriously You are already on the right path with panels, but you have to fix your big issue of a window on one side and a diffuser (media storage) on the other. Return the HFTs and built something you can insert into the window opening for listening so you can match the two sides. A curtain will never be thick/heavy enough to do it.