Upgraded DB-25 Cables for Power

Dumb question...

I have a NAT Audio Magnetic preamp, a two piece unit with a separate power supply.  The power supply connects to the main unit using a DB-25 cable.  I'd like to purchase an upgraded cable to connect the two units.  Will any upgraded DB-25 cable, like those made for the Pass Labs preamps, work?  Might this NAT Cable have a different configuration?

I've never worked with DB-25 cables but I am assuming that the connector on one end is wired to the connector on the other the end (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc.) the same way for every cable so that they are interchangeable.  Maybe that's not the case which is why I'm asking.

I found two good aftermarket cables:




Thanks in advance.

Your posting came up when I did a search for Tubulus DB-25 power cords.  By any chance did you pull the trigger on either the Revelation or Tubulus power cord and if so, what was the result?
I would love to hear from someone who has used the Tubulous Argentus DB-25 umbilical power cord. 

Alex of Wywires might make a DB-25 embillical cord. Wywires makes the embillical power cord for Modwright which many praise. Very happy with my Wywires PC’s. If you email Wywires, Alex will call you back if you add you phone number. He’s very helpful and doesn’t over sale which I admire his honesty - good guy.

if you have a meter you can check the pins to see how the ends are configured. You may discovered not ever pin is used or likely on one end the shield is only grounded to one side which is usually the device, power supply that plugs into the wall receptacle. It might be tricky figuring it out actually without opening the ends or just open up your equipment which you should be able to figure out or call NAT.