Upgraded DB-25 Cables for Power

Dumb question...

I have a NAT Audio Magnetic preamp, a two piece unit with a separate power supply.  The power supply connects to the main unit using a DB-25 cable.  I'd like to purchase an upgraded cable to connect the two units.  Will any upgraded DB-25 cable, like those made for the Pass Labs preamps, work?  Might this NAT Cable have a different configuration?

I've never worked with DB-25 cables but I am assuming that the connector on one end is wired to the connector on the other the end (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc.) the same way for every cable so that they are interchangeable.  Maybe that's not the case which is why I'm asking.

I found two good aftermarket cables:




Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by vinylbliss

Your posting came up when I did a search for Tubulus DB-25 power cords.  By any chance did you pull the trigger on either the Revelation or Tubulus power cord and if so, what was the result?
I would love to hear from someone who has used the Tubulous Argentus DB-25 umbilical power cord.