Upgrade to balanced XLR interconnects?

I currently have monster m1000 interconnects (25 ft.) running from preamp (Audio Research LS16) to amp (Audio Research D400). I am thinking of upgrading to balanced interconnects. I know the upgrade will be expensive.

Would it be worth the cost to upgrade. Any suggestions on what interconnect to go with (reasonably priced<$500).


Showing 1 response by beemer

Upgrade will be worthwhile. Shop used here at audiogon.
I paid $800 for a 35 foot pair of Transparent Ultra Balanced. These were $3500+ new. This deal took 6 months of patience on my part, I STOLE that cable at that price! Losing the monstercable and getting balanced will yield a difference in sound that will be immediately apparent to you. I personally like transparent and nordost, your mileage may vary! Buy the best you can afford.

