Upgrade Receptacle on 15A breaker

I have seen suggestions for 20A upgraded AC wall receptacles to receive the power cord, but shouldn't a line with a 15A breaker go no higher than a 15A receptacle? Same answer if wire used from receptacle to breaker is 12 guage? Assume location in is in US. If 15A receptacle is required, what is a good one?

Showing 1 response by soundbit

Apparently, there is no sense in upgrading to a 20A receptacle having a 15A circuit breaker on the line. Hard to imagine that my amplifier would ever draw current approaching 15A. It is rated at 120 watts per side. Maybe I fell for the hype that a 20A receptacle would improve sound, but it makes sense that the 15A breaker is the bottleneck and would trip if current approached 15A anyhow. Hope I am making sense.