Upgrade phono pre?

I am thinking about upgrading my phono pre. I built a Pass Pearl II several years ago. It is fine, quite good actually, but am thinking a Pass XP-15 would be a significant step up.

ZYX Omega X (6N Crystal copper coil), Pass Pearl II, Pass Labs XP-20, Pass Labs X250.5 (looking for another one to biamp), Magneplanar Tympani IVa base\mid base and ribbon tweeter with Bohlender and Graebener RD-75 mids.
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Showing 1 response by millercarbon

You listed your components but said nothing about what really matters, which is the sort of sound you like. So forced to guess, assuming you like the sound you're getting now from all that Pass then more Pass is a safe bet. If you wanted to move to a bit less SS sterile the Herron VTPH2A is about the same price and offers outstanding performance. If you wanted to give your system a full dose of tubey magic you could go with a Decware ZP3. 

My hunch though is you will say thanks but take a Pass.