upgrade path from my current speakers? (Dynaudio Special Forty)


have gone through a rotation in the last couple of years, LS50's, Sonus Faber Lumina V's, Heresys, Fortes, Harbeth 30.2's and Habeth Super 5's

none of these sounded good to me

recently landed on Dynaudio Special Forty, loved them, upgraded to Heritage Special, really liked them also but went back to the Special Forty

this is the sound for me by far, nothing else has come close to pleasing me

I'd like to get to a tower that provides more bass and dynamics maintaining this sound profile

Contour and Confidence are on my short list

what else should I be looking at?




Showing 2 responses by hilde45

Subwoofers can help a lot. Also, nothing about room conditions have been mentioned. These are the two factors which allowed me to get amazing bass with standmount speakers (Fritz) and also with towers (Ascend). I'm not spending nearly the money you are -- no shade, there at all -- but without the room/sub factor considered, I believe the lower frequencies can be an endless chase. 

+1 @soix 

Indeed, OP, you're really at a choice point -- finding out whether you are really interested/able to improve the *sound* or whether you're actually more interested in swapping gear. A lot of us have thought we were after better sound when in fact we really had Gear Acquisition Syndrome.