Upgrade options from Michell Gyro SE

I currently have a Michell Gyro SE/Technoarm with Sumiko Blackbird cartridge, and am pondering upgrade options. Do any previous Gyro SE owners have any experiences they can share on this? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by sunnyboy1956

Upgraded from the Gyro SE to a Gyrodec. This is more of an aesthetic upgrade given the acrylic dustcover.The superior record clamp does add a sonic dimension.Seriously though the HR Power Supply makes a huge difference.The Orbe platter is also rated high. I love the brass cylinders of the Gyrodec and would never contemplate the Orbe platter for visual reasons alone.I started with a Rega RB300 ans a Sumiko BluePoint2 cart.These have made way for a RB 1000 and a Lyra Helikon.The arm and the cart can make a huge difference.
You have a large menu to choose from. Enjoy the journey...sometimes its better than the destination!!
I thought my comments were perfectly clear - the movement from a SE to a Gyrodec( and not Gerodec!) is an upgrade.It has little sonic benefits coz you add an acrylic dustcover plus a superior record clamp. If like many Gyro owners you prefer to spin the platter with the dustcover in place, it should protect the stylus/cart from unwelcome vibrations.
One tweak or mod that I can strongly recommend is some thing I read about in a review on another site. Namely, wrap the springs(encased in aluminum cylinders) in cotton wool.You can use normal surgical cotton available at any pharmacy.The tweak is almost free.It dampens the ringing that Gert Peterson addresses in his several mods.Believe me the difference is not small.