Upgrade on Bel Canto CD-1

This is an extremely good player but I'm finding certain discs a tad overbearing in the upper mids.
I'm interested in the Aesthetix Romulus, AR CD7 & BMC BDCD1.1.
Present system-
Roksan Platinum Pre
Roksan Platinum Power
PS Audio P3
Tannoy DC10T
Townshend Seismic Bars
Townshend Isolda speaker cable
Nordost Valhalla
Nordost Tyr 2
Neotech NEP3200 power cables

I listen to mainly progressive technical metal & post rock.

I appreciate any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by jafant

The Romulus is a real killer.

Add, Parasound CD-1, Audio Note 4.1, ARC CD5 or CD7.
These players will get you started. I love cd/sacd players and every year the tech gets better, so, there are many, many excellent to outstanding models in the market.

Go listen for yourself, do not cheat yourself.
Happy Listening!