Upgrade my Theta or move on?

Need advice on which seems smarter at this point.I currently own a casablanca 1(basic DACS)and am thinking of either upgrading to CAS 3 or looking at the anthem 30 or the EAD.Upgrade on the CAS is mighty steep!Would like to keep cost below 4K.Can upgrade to the 3 for 3K but to get the better DACS (extreme dacs) it's 3K more. Any idea's?I listen to 60% music,40%HT.Thanks
MY System
aragon amps-3002&3005
Mirage speakers(3si)fronts,Mccsi-center,OMR2-rears&BPSS210 Sub
Pioneer elite59 DVD
Cardas cables

Showing 1 response by cytocycle

The CAS III is amazing and so are the extreme's which will kill everything else mentioned. The volumen control is extremely transparent. I have an earlier EAD signature and it is extremely musical for 2 channel but it is still a better 2 channel than the current EAD which is better for multichannel. I'm not sure if the anthem would be a lateral move. you could just move up to superior DAC's and buy a better transport! that might be a better compromise.

The only other one I would seriously consider is the new Meridian line!

Didactically- The Mirage 3si's require a ton of juice to control and play them for Hometheater SPL's. Plus can you ever have too much?