upgrade my amp?

Hi all,

I am currently playing a pair of PSB Image T6 towers with the Marantz pm5004 amp and the Marantz cd5004. I love the speakers and they sound great with jazz or acoustic. With rock, they can sound a bit muddy and I have wondered about upgrading to a more powerful amplifier. (My room is 11 by 17 with 6.5 foot ceiling.) Does anyone have experience with amplifiers they thought worked well with this speaker, or just general suggestions about good possibilities? (My budget is 3-4k for amplifier and CD player.) I have been thinking especially about some of the following:

-the Musical Fidelity M3i with the M3cd

-the Rega elicit r with the Apollo cd

-Peachtree components

-Creek 5350 (or perhaps waiting for the redesigned Creek components that are apparently coming following the new Evolution 50a) with Creek CD player

Reactions? Ideas? Thanks!

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