Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table

I would like to get back into vinyl after an approx. 17 year absence. I have a Linn LP 12 that I bought in 1983 which I used for 15 years and then put into storage. I never got rid of my vinyl. So my question is : Do I upgrade my LP 12 to the tune of three to four thousand dollars or do I spend the same amount on a new turntable and sell the LP 12?  Everyone's two cents worth would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

Showing 6 responses by daveyf

Once again, a lot of opinions on how the LP12 sounds from those who have clearly NEVER heard a top flite LP12 Radikal D Klimax!
Anyone who says Linn tables have "inherent colorations" and would suggest a VPI or Clearaudio over a top elite LP12 IMHO is simply shooting from the hip.
All tables to a greater or lesser extent have colorations...as do all systems.
Again, IMHO the OP would be best served upgrading the LP12 that he already has and therefore I would agree with casaross.
For $3-4K a lot of excellent upgrades can be added, including a Cirkus and Kore and possibly a Lingo 3. The resulting table would easily see off a VPI Prime and many others in the same price range...or even considerably higher.

hal 253, I think that it is clear now on the forums that there are a number of people who like to Linn bash. These same people have likely never even heard the entry level LP12 Majik version, never mind the Akurate or Klimax version. However, that does not stop them from saying all kinds of garbage about the table. I have owned my LP12 for several years and have upgraded over time as funds have allowed. Each upgrade has been very worthwhile and easily heard. I have also 'AB'ed my current set up against a number of different tables in my system, and the LP12 always was preferred. Some very good advice from brf above... it's not a race, but IF you want a platform that can ultimately give you great sound, well IMHO you are right there. 
Hal253, I have heard most of the SOTA's in their line. They are a good table and would be an excellent choice, IF you didn't already have a platform that is as great as it is. 
I think a top flite Linn Klimax SE can still out point all of the SOTA's. 
One plus for the SOTA line, they can accommodate a much wider variety of tonearm..but that would be my only point in their favor.
zavato, I would suggest a move up to the Radikal D. That is the preferred Linn route as to upgrades...and before a cartridge upgrade. Personally, I think the Radikal D is a superb upgrade and does transform the table. As to a new cart, I am in the same position as you...my Benz is now long in the tooth. There are some pretty good cartridge choices out there...the two Linn cartridges are definitely contenders...but there are others also. I suspect that a replacement for the older Lyra Skala is in the works....might be worth waiting for that and therefore doing the Radikal D first.
hal253, IMO, the Cirkus kit makes one of the biggest improvements. The new bearing is a lot quieter and this really helps the SQ. The new Kore or Keel is most of the way to a Cirkus kit... I believe you can now buy the bearing by itself and be basically 100% there...well you should change out the springs and grommets...but??
dhcod, that's an interesting story...OTOH with the money spent on the various TT's, could you not have upgraded your LP12? While I like the Thorens, it is not IMHO, in the same league as a full spec LP12 SE.
As usual, many here are comparing older LP12's with Ittok's and older Valhalla ( even Nirvana!! ) power supplies, etc and assuming those set ups ( if they have even been set up in the last 25 years??) are comparable to todays LP12's.