Upgrade from Scout to Scoutmaster-how did it go?

Just wondering how many folks can discern the upgrade of just the plinth alone?Believe that other options like Signature arm,ring clamp,other VPI tweaks as well a Cart and Phono Section upgrade can make big differences (same for better rack,wall mount,Gingko Cloud or other isolation devices) can make big sometime huge difference ( especially the cart and Phono upgrade if there of high enough quality.I am a believer in high mass where ever it can be put..But I wonder if you did a comparison between single and sandwich plinth and if it had "night and day" change the way other mods can.Can anybody talk about chnage where other chnages allready were inplace or not done and concentrate just on plinth change?

Showing 2 responses by jamnperry

I agree with Mike. I think the platter is the most effective part of the Scout to Scoutmaster upgrade. You really don't lose VTA on the fly.. it's maybe not quite as easy but I've done it no problem. It's a knob easily turned at the base. Just have to take it slow and be careful not to bump the arm.
Think of the upgrade as a sort of lawaway plan but you get to play as you pay in installments.
I figure I've still come out ahead getting some upgrades used and some discounted, and selling to people climbing the ladder below.