Upgrade from my Audio Research LS7 to a remote control model?

I have an Audio Research LS7 preamp mated to an AR D240Mk II amp and very pleased with the sound.  I'd like to upgrade within the AR line to a preamp with a remote control.  Any suggestions on a reasonable upgrade from the LS7?

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Showing 2 responses by newbee

If you really are happy with what you have why take a chance with changing out your pre-amp for something different? I had a ARC SP10II and wanted a remote volume control so I just bought a passive remote control unit and put it in my tape loop. If your LS 7 doesn't have a tape loop you can put it between your amp and pre-amp. 

If you want to get an ARC unit with a remote control you must bear in mind that you will also be changing the sound. Subtle perhaps, or not, depending on your preferences and expectations. Better maybe, but only perhaps. Budget? Tubes? 

mktracy, not to worry I think. I believe OP has posted a 'wanted' ad for the LS15 and LS16 on USAM for a used unit. Not the SP 16 however which I think might have been a good, if not better, choice as well. Oh well.

FWIW used Placettes pop up frequently for about $500.