Upgrade from Merlin VSM-M to What?

I have a wonderfull pair of Merlin VSM-M speakers, but I want fuller range. I have the balanced/single ended battery bam and it does extend the bass, but not as low as some other full range speakers. I have been lead to believe that my Karan KA-i180 integrated amp could sound even better with fuller range speakers. I don't want to spend a bundle of money. I just purchased a Pioneer 5060HD plasma and my budget for speakers are $1000.00 more then I will get for my VSM-M's. So my hope is for used speakers costing between $4,000.00 - $4,500.00. My thoughts are toward Dunlavy or Eggleston. Shipping these speakers must be taken into account. I do have sub woofers, but don't use them. They are Velodyne servo 1200's. My integrated does not have preamp outs and I think using the subs x-overs in the speaker line would harm the sound.

Showing 1 response by oneprof

Why not upgrade to the MX with the super-BAM? It is true that the bass will not go any lower, the cutoff/filter/whatever is still at the same frequency, but the MX with the Super-BAM produces much more, and much better bass, than the old Milleniums with the old BAM. If you listen to pipe organ music or electronica or anything with 20 cycle bass, then going to the MX won't work, but otherwise it will be an improvement. In my room, with my system, it almost sounds like there IS a well-integrated sub in the system. Bass weight, clarity, and articulation improved dramatically with the MX ( i had the Milleniums too before going to the MX) and even more so with the super-BAM.
Again, though, if what you're looking for is LOWER bass than 28 cycles, you'd have to go elsewhere.