Upgrade entry level or start over?

I have a stock Fluance RT-82 turntable with an Ortofon OM10. Preamp is a Schiit Mani. I would like to upgrade my analog setup. I listened to vinyl as a youth, and then just recently got back into it about 6 months ago.

Would my money be better spent upgrading my existing setup or buying a different turntable altogether? Upgrades might include a new cartridge, new platter, new preamp, etc. Or should I buy something like a Rega Planar 3?

Budget either way would be about $1000. Would love to hear suggestions from those with more experience than me. 

In case it matters, the rest of the gear is a Schiit Freya preamp, Rotel RC-1070 amp, and KEF LS50 speakers with SVS SB2000 sub.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Showing 1 response by solypsa

I would say start over. Imo at this price point the best turntable path is to buy high quality vintage. Vintage has gotten expensive but there are still good buys. Read some threads on lenco and idler drive turntables as well as vintage direct drive. Learn what models are just below the radar.
Oh and after a quick look at some audio sites, it will open up your options quite a bit if you were able to raise the budget to $1600 but with patience I think it can be done for $1k.