Upgrade entry level or start over?

I have a stock Fluance RT-82 turntable with an Ortofon OM10. Preamp is a Schiit Mani. I would like to upgrade my analog setup. I listened to vinyl as a youth, and then just recently got back into it about 6 months ago.

Would my money be better spent upgrading my existing setup or buying a different turntable altogether? Upgrades might include a new cartridge, new platter, new preamp, etc. Or should I buy something like a Rega Planar 3?

Budget either way would be about $1000. Would love to hear suggestions from those with more experience than me. 

In case it matters, the rest of the gear is a Schiit Freya preamp, Rotel RC-1070 amp, and KEF LS50 speakers with SVS SB2000 sub.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Showing 4 responses by goofyfoot

audioguy, I believe we have a different definition of what great is. By the way, the Hana Microline is $1,200.00.
ghdprentice, I just believe vinyl to be the least cost friendly. A great phono stage is a minimum $2,500.00. An excellent cartridge is a minimum $1,500.00. A solid tonearm would start about $1,300.00. A dependable turntable like a Rega would start at around $800.00. Now were already at around $6,000.00. Think about what could be done with $6,000.00 where it pertains to digital.

This is the very reason why I find vinyl so frustrating, it takes considerable money to make a noticeable impact. I've read in many phono stage reviews that it's nearly impossible to find a fully capable phono amp for less than $2,700.00. I'm not so certain whether or not this is true but will say that in relative terms, investing $3,00.00 in a phono amp. cartridge and turntable would be considered 'budget entry level'.

I agree with those others who believe that your focus should be on a better phono amp. I believe the chain towards improvements goes; phono amp, cartridge, tone arm, turntable but this could be an over simplification. The question is whether or not you'll really notice a difference between your current phono amp and the one you'll be able purchase for a $1,000.00?

So if you go the phono amp route, then I'd say try buying one that's used with a rating of 8/10 or above. My phono amp is an ASR Mini Basis Exclusive and is a really good phono amp for its price range. I've seen older used models of the ASR sell for about $1,500.00. 
funkbass, hard to tell until you put everything together and listen. I would choose each piece, one at a time, starting with the phono amp.