Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Showing 4 responses by tony1954

Can't imagine what Ron is feeling now after nearly losing his wife and son.   

Get vaccinated, wear a mask and don't put your friends and family at risk.    


"I hear health care workers constantly say most all hospitalized "covid" patients are vaccinated. Oh well, I'm not disputing your experience. Hmmm"    

You hear? Where exactly are you hearing this? Facebook?    

Are you one of the dupes that look for lies and Mark Zuckerberg's algorithm helps you find them? Try listening to medical professionals when you're looking for medical facts. Do you ask Tucker Carlson for recommendations on DAC's? 



"Zuckerberg's original name was Greenberg. Probably changed to throw people off that his Grandfather was David Rockefeller. CIA is behind Facebook. I've NEVER joined or even saw a Facebook page, no thanks."    

Tell me. Do you have a spreadsheet to keep track of all the conspiracy theories?

Try listening to people that aren't nuts.    



"My daughters friend is double Vax and went into the emergency room last week with covid because he can't breath, so they have him on oxygen.   My buddies friend is 59 and double Vax he got the vid 4 weeks ago and was told he would be on oxygen for life.  My tenant who is Vax, just sent me a text today sending me a FYI stating he has the vid.  So I would like to believe the Vax is working and I'm not an anti Vax, but the facts that I'm personally hearing about are not very positive.  "    

If that is true, then my advise to anyone that knows you, would be to get as far away from you as possible.    

Most people don't even know anyone that got Covid, but somehow you know every statistical anomoly in existence.  

Why is it that all the anti-vaxers like yourself are always "hearing" things? They never have statistical data to support any of their BS.