Upcoming Trip

My wife and I are taking a trip this summer for our 25th anniversary. I am looking to buy some wireless headphones for the trip since we will be on the airplane for 8-10 hours and was wondering if any of you have experience with Sennheiser Momentum 4, PSB (I don’t remember the model but they are $399), or Focal Bathys (are they really worth double the price). I do have Focal home speakers so I am familiar with the house sound if the headphones have it. Although I am primarily buying the headphones for the trip, I am sure I will use them at home when we return.

Thank you for sharing your experiences!


Showing 1 response by fatdaddy2

In the day I primarily used Sennheiser noise-cancelling phones, although had one or two pair of Sonys as well.  Could never get over the 'phile bias to purchase Bose.  My recommendation: get the best pair of NC phones you can afford (foldable is also a bonus), and get a real pair of audiophile phones for home use.  Don't confuse the two, and you'll be better satisfied.