Unusual probelm with my turntable

I just had my cartridge replace and now my turntable makes a buzzing sound right before the music starts at the beginning of a side. The buzzing lasts for about a second but goes away and there is no noise after. It is quiet when the amp is on or in between songs.I cleaned the connections switched interconnects and cables, but no luck getting rid of the noise. Does anyone have any suggestions or answers on what is causing this problem?
I was worried on the drive home because the roads were a little bumpy and I could see the table bounce up and down and I thought that something might get loose. I will take your suggestion and look at the wires of the tonearm.
Rangefinder (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

When transporting a turntable, the platter needs to be removed so the bearings don't get damaged. I'm sure this wouldn't have caused the problem your having though. I mentioned it so anyone reading this doesn't transport one around and damage theirs. It would cause a low frequency rumble sound through the speakers if they get damaged.
Thanks for your response Elizabeth. My system is just entry-level, the turntable is a Pioneer PL-A45D attached to a Musical Fidelity phono stage, Dared integrated amp and Monitor Audio speakers. I can hear the buzz from both channels.
The shop that installed the cartridge tested the unit when I came to pick it up and it was quiet. I was worried on the drive home because the roads were a little bumpy and I could see the table bounce up and down and I thought that something might get loose. I will take your suggestion and look at the wires of the tonearm.
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