Unusual Music Recommendation

I personaly love alternative music although I rarely see any of it recommended. I highly recommend Dave Mathews and Tim Reynolds Live at Luther college. Its acoustic, live, and recordeed exceptionally well. Very well rounded and the rhythm is as good as the lead blended with great vocals. If you hate all alternative this this is the album that will convert you. Try it!!! You will be glad you did.

What is your favorite alternative album?

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Get a listen to the new John Hammond CD "Wicked Grin." Tom Waits produced it and plays a little guitar and all the songs but one are written by him. Great playing by everyone, including Augie Meyers on keyboards. Excellent production. One of those rare CD's that I listened to once, then went right back to the beginning and listened straight through two more times.

If you don't like Tom Waits or you're convinced that blues is a simple-minded musical form, DO NOT get this CD.