Unison Research Max 2 vs Border Patrol Volti Rival Horn Speakers

Has anyone had an opportunity to hear, audition, or own either of these speakers? Your opinions, insights, comments, or evaluations as to how they compare are most welcome.


Showing 1 response by kennymacc

@james633 Hello. Thank you for you’re insightful response. I’ve always found horn type speakers interesting, as some years ago, I owned and thoroughly enjoyed a pair of Avantgarde Duo speakers. However, as far as this post is concerned, my interest in these speakers is limited only to my own curiosity about them, but not base on any interest on my part to possibly replace my beloved Revel Salon 2 speakers. High end audio is such a vast and intriguing hobby, filled with fascinating gear. I did get a chance to hear the JBL’s and the Volti speakers and thought they were both pretty awesome in their own ways. I know of a couple persons who actually prefer the far less expensive Unison Research Max 2’s over the far more expensive JBL Project K2 S9900 speaker, which actually prompted me to write this post. I though that comparisons between the aforementioned horn speakers would make for an interesting topic of discussion. Happy listening.