Unipivot and suspended TT?

I recently picked up an Oracle Delphi that needs a tonearm. I have a Hadcock GH228 that I'd like to put to use, but I've heard that unipivots don't work well with suspended tables. Can someone confirm this? Any advice?

Showing 1 response by mingles

Many thanks for your responses. It sounds like the Hadcock is worth a try.

Richard, your VPI is so stiff I forget that it's suspended. The Delphi has a much greater range of motion. It's almost bouncy. I just ordered the maintenance kit from Oracle. Hopefully it will tighten things up. I'll definitely have you over when it's up and running.

07-18-09: Albertporter
I've run several unipivot arms on suspended tables and they can certainly sound great. I think the controversy arises from the fact that if the table is less than perfect level, the azimuth of the arm is off by that same amount. A unipivot arm seeks level based on gravity, not by it's bearings or where the turntable is sitting.

This seems to be the crux of the matter... keeping the table consistently level so the azimuth is on target. I may have a problem achieving this with my suspended wood floors. My tables are currently on a bookshelf and I hear thumps from footfalls. I probably need a wall mount to get the best performance. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks again,