unbeatable Class A integrated

Is there any unbeatable class A SS integrated amplifier under 15K?


Showing 2 responses by freediver

Read the reviews,look at the company history,then buy the Sugden A21SE & get the optional headphone out as you will most assuredly need it in the immediate future,put the $11,000.00 saved into daughters college fund as it will probably coast a BILLION $ by the time she's old enough,sit back & enjoy the music!

"Does anyone know how warm the Sugden A21SE gets? I'm tempted, but I'd prefer a built in phono stage"

I spent the last 2 weeks demoing an A21 Signature(20wpc.entry version)..The amp overall does not get too hot to touch EXCEPT for 2 areas,the airflow hole areas close to the source selector & power button on the case top get REAL hot,probably hot enough to actually cause a mild burn if your so bombed you left your hand there over a minute...
That said I am BLOWN AWAY by how good the amp sounded & have BEEN CONVERTED can I get an AMEN!
Yep,ordered the A21 SE just yesterday..No more tubes,well except for a small headphone amp...NEVER believed SS could image,stage OR have the tonal saturation of tubes,I was WRONG!!!